I really must write a couple more of these, I keep forgetting and in a couple of months this blog will be over, it'd be nice to have quite a substantial amount of writing to look back on. I'm unsure if I spelt substantial correctly.
I just read my last blog, I can officially confirm that (providing I pass the entire year) I NEVER HAVE TO DO COURSEWORK AGAIN! Biggest relief ever. The week after my previous blog was, in every way 'hell week' - I have never experienced a week like it. Waking up early, working on essays constantly, going to uni for revision lectures, doing coursework in the library in-between, coming home and doing essays, reading a LOT of books to help the essays, printing them (which believe me is a LOT more trouble than it sounds what with needing printer credit and printers printing on both sides EVEN THOUGH YOU TELL IT NOT TO...) etc etc...it was just general ag. Alas, it's all done :-).
This has reminded me that this week I also had the nicest carv ever. Honest. If you ever go Canterbury, go to the Victoria Hotel for their carv, proper buff and me and Broomy shared two deserts just to make it even better.
I then packed up a LOT of stuff (my books and notes pretty much took up an entire suitcase...) and headed back to Essex where I have been based for a month now. I've not gone out clubbing ONCE (I'm proud, you should be too) and have actually focused on revision more than ever, although I still know I know nothing and feel under-prepared. It pisses me off when people say 'oh you're just saying that, you'll be fine' as if they know how much work you've done, how much work you have to do, how much you have to learn for exams - no, you don't know so shut up and believe me when I say I'm not ready for them. Gahhh. Anyway yeah, I've been to the pub a few times, saw N-Dubz and Pro Green at the o2 and that's about it. Oh and I saw all my Essex mates over Harrow Lodge in one of the bank holidays. It was cool. I've liked having time to myself. I'm ready to go back to uni, do my exams and then, spend three weeks getting off my face with Katie and Broomy. We're going to have a posh day and spend money from our loan because we've never had any left over before, this shall be the first time :-).
I've had a few beers and my eyes hurt now.
I like old movies, like The Godfather Three.
Peace x
P.S. Echoes by Laura Dockrill is a good book of short stories.
P.P.S. One of my oldest friends moved into his first house today, with his fiance. Tomorrow we're going over for a bit of a housewarming and I'll probably have a few beers.
P.P.P.S. My sister is 25 on Sunday, how unfortunate to turn a quarter of a century! Dreading THAT day!