Sunday 19 October 2008

The weekend and stuff

I don't remember when I last wrote this. I think maybe Thursday about Wednesday? Hmm.

Anyways, Friday was cool. Day off, didn't do all that much really.

Me and Naomi went to the library to get books/journals for our first assignment, my God it was an experience haha. Firstly, this library is five floors. It has different wings as well. So it's basically just massive. I had no clue where I was going because me, being me, decided to sleep rather than do the library tour during freshers, fair play to me though I think? Anyways, Naomi kind of knew her way around so we made it to the area for our subject. Then we bumped into a randomer from our seminar and was asking what topic they're doing theirs on etc to which some random guy appeared from round the corner and asked us to 'be a bit quiet please' haha. Naomi thought he was joking and so point blank laughed in his face ha. So funny. She blamed me for being the loud one because I can't whisper. 

Anyways, after that it took us AGES to find books on the topics we wanted. We finally did. Then we sat for about an hour looking through journals to find articles on the topics as well. Naomi got annoyed because she couldn't take any of hers out, I was gloating because I had about 10 I could take out. OR SO I THOUGHT, it was only as we were about to leave that I realised I couldn't take them hahahaha. She laughed at me a lot. So after hiding her one journal up high so no-one else would find it we went to check out. 

We have to check ourselves out and each book we both scanned it came up 'ERROR RE-SCAN' but it was appearing on the checked out list. So we just did them all and printed the receipts. HOWEVER, on exiting the library, both of us set of the alarms haha. How embarassing. 

Finally we left, after an hour and 45 minutes in the place! What an effort. So funny though.

Friday night I just chilled with the remaining flat four guys. Watched a movie, chatted, the usual.

Yesterday me and Linds went into town in the morning to buy munch bunch and coke for me, and milk, bread and general items for her. We went to a cafe for breakfast first though. It was only after twenty minutes of waiting to have our order taken that we realised you're meant to go to the till to order haha. TESCO DID NOT HAVE THE MUNCH BUNCH I LIKE. So I now have NONE left. This is not good. I eat about 8 a week. Maybe more. :( I'll order some online I think. :) We came home after and I just chilled, rather than reading, in my room most the afternoon. "Oops".

Last night me, Linds and Zoe went to The Venue, it was 999 night and they had costumes. The others went to town but I decided girls in short nurse outfits was more appealing. I seemed to get quite drunk because we kept going to the shots bar. Ha. At one point my g style came out and I was really going for it to flex. Two girls behind were laughing at me. They wish THEY were this gangstarrrr. Haha.

We danced a lot to random songs and it was a really good night.

We came home, chilled in the kitchen with Nay, Lee, Megan, Ollie (Until he passed out haha) and some random guy. It was cool. Nay and Megan were telling us about their travelling they did this year. It seems really cool and I wish I had the money to do it. I hope I will some day.

Today I'm reading and writing some stuff I have to do for one of my seminars tomorrow. That's about it. Just chillaxing really. 

Peace x

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