Thursday, 27 November 2008
Lose yourself in the music...
Monday, 10 November 2008
The past week...
Saturday, 1 November 2008
My week in Rom-Taaaaan!
It has been such a random few days since I returned from Guildford, but so cool!
On Wednesday Laura popped round. She passed her driving test and then we went to the cinema that evening. It was really nice. Good times.
Thursday I did some work. THEN I WAS BANG ON OPIUM BABAAAAAY! Met little Jonty at Romford station and we were bang on the goose! Got there BARE early, nice drinking time! Moved onto the bull for a while, there were bare bods. THEN I went Envy for the buy one get two free! LOVED it! Bumped into the sanders lot! THEN moved to Opium where the school lot turned up (Bill, Chaz, Coote etc) along with Mooney, Luke etc. Was EMPTY, but I still had a good night because so many good friends were there.
Friday I went and handed my cv's into job agencies, just incase anything comes up for when I'm back at xmas. Mer. Had lunch with mum. :) Then I went out with Natasha. We had Japanese, I went to her old flat and met some of her friends, then we wet to Camden for some drinks. A really nice evening all in all.
Today I got my haircut (y) haha. I went to Ikea with Tyrrell as well. I was disgusted they didn't sell door stops, but we had fun getting lost whilst looking for candles and other random things. Tonight I met with Maria, a really good, old friend. We went to the goose and just chilled and caught up all evening. It was really nice. I enjoyed it a lot.
This week has been such a random one. I feel like I've bumped into EVERYONE possible. From the school friends (including random greetings with Nat and Botley), to the sanders lot, to randoms from college, to Stacey Martin?! I never see that kid any more! Saw a few people I try to avoid as well, but that's always banter! Been good to see people. HOWEVER, a week is enough and I am TOO excited to return to the flat! This week is gonna be awesome with 3 days of China's grandma status celebrations, and then going out on Saturday for my birthday where Steve should be coming and I'll find out what it is he's bought me!
November's looking good. I hope it is!
I'm now listening to Eminem and things are really good. What's going to come along to ruin it? Haha.
Peace x
(P.S, R.I.P. Never forgotten. Ever. =])
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
We went to tesco's and bought stuff to make a stir-fry and a fair bit of alcohol. Grannnnnd.
We got back to the house and Rich proceeded to begin work on the dinner. Steve helped him as well. My GOD, it was THE nicest stir-fry I've ever had in my life. Words can't even describe it. Only us four will taste such genius cooking! Haha.
After dinner...DRINKING TIME! Bang on it. Rich made us all a snakebite! Love itttt! Then we got an empty 2 litre bottle and filled it with loads of random alcohol. We decided to play arrogance and if you got it wrong you had to take some of the drink. This drink was really nice (or so me and Steve thought) at first...but once getting to the bottom it was GROSS. But hey-ho it got us a little bit tipsy/drunk. Rich made a nice little playlist on his 'macer' for us to listen to and we just chilled! Spent some time relaxing and talking in Steve's room and it was just a really good night. It was nice to just be able to spend an evening with Steve and Rich rather than having to go out! Who says you need Harper's for a good night eh?!
I feel good about things today. Certain stuffs been going on but I think it's all been sorted now. I hope. I want things to just be good, with no problems, like before, and hopefully they will be from now on! I think they will be. I think some kind of common ground has been found. It's good.
This morning Steve rudely stood over me kicking me until I rose from the floor. :(. So tired. He took me to his lecture! I was so scared incase I got asked a question haha. It was cool to see where the academy is and stuff. Their lectures are SO different to at UKC. There's a lot less people and so they can interact with the lecturer and have jokes and stuff between them. It was really cool to actually see what my best mate's doing first hand. I'm glad I went.
After that we met Rich in spoons and went to MacDonalds so the fatty's could eat lunch before their next class/lecture. Walked back to ACM and then left them there so I could walk back to the house alone. :( Didn't want to say goodbye. I had such an awesome time yesterday I didn't want it to end but, oh well! There'll always be a next time.
I actually found my way back to their house! I was proud. I packed my stuff and dad came and got me. Was really weird being in their house alone like that. I didn't like it much.
Got home and I've just been chillaxing all evening. No plans tomorrow. Booooo. I'll try to get all my work done so I can rave on Thursday night! Zoop zoop!
Peace x
Monday, 27 October 2008
First weekend of Reading Week...
Friday, 24 October 2008
Hush little baby don't you cry...
Sunday, 19 October 2008
The weekend and stuff
Thursday, 16 October 2008
This week really.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
The rest of my time in Romford
Friday, 10 October 2008
Canterbury Town and Rom-Town
I don't remember where I left off so I'm going to start from yesterday (Thursdee).
Twas an okay day. Couple of lectures, nothing special. Naomi was well jealous of me in the lecture typing my notes up on the mac whilst she slaved away handwriting it all though haha. I think the entire lecture was jealous actually. My mac's fittttt.
Yesterday evening we went into town and for once I vowed not to spend money on alcohol because I'm so ridiculously broke. We went to the penny (pub) because on Thursdays it's pound a pint but it was barrrrrrrrrre hot and ting so we left and went to another pub. After that we went to a pub/bar thing which I've currently forgotten the name of. We all had a ticket for a free shot and stuf. It was cool and we sat outside talking and stuff. Then we came home.
Today I didn't do much. Woke up, made Katie teach me how to fry an egg to which George laughed as when I cracked it it went all weird. Then Laura and Rachel came down for the day. It was cool. We went to origins and I had a burger and the really nice curly fries. Then we chilled for a bit and drove home. Back to Rom-town.
So strange it was, driving back into Essex and stuff. Was just really weird.
I went out to the pub with Imojen tonight. It was really cool seeing her. I miss her. We went to the good old goose for a bit and then onto bull with her mates. I only bought one drink the whole night. Some guy i'd never met who knew all Imojen's mates bought me a snakebite and another of their friends bought me a shot. That was nice.
I wore my UKC hoodie all night. I never want to take it off. Some guy told me he was driving there tonight to see his girlfriend.
Flat 4 is apparently empty with only two or three people there. That'd suck. I think coming back has made me realise that as much as I miss everyone SO much, everyone else is all over the place going through what I am, so coming back here doesn't make a difference to me missing people, because I won't see a lot of them anyway.
I'm glad I came this weekend though.
This is another boring one. I'm too tired to give the 'funny' little jokes that have happened, or to type some random lyrics I like.
Peace x
Thursday, 9 October 2008
80's Night...
...was really good. :).
On the way there we stopped off at one of the bars so Katie could say hello to her friend. On the way out we found one of them 'CAUTION! WET FLOOR!' things and so, we decided to be 'rebs' and steal it. The adrenaline rush was unexplainable. Haha. We hid it and vowed to pick it up on our return journey to flat four later that night. We did.

We had to que for barrrres to get into The Venue but when we did it was really good. I love student prices. I bought a snakebite, two vodka lemonades and a soco lemonade for 8 pounds. Wtf? So cheap.
Take your time,
Coz you don't have to rush,
Coz it's your life and it's no-one elses,
Don't let someone put you in a box.
So I'll take all that other stuff that I said before,
and I'm gonna make it work,
because I'm losing my mind and it's driving me up the wall.
I'm stubborn and I'll shout and,
I'll cut you out and I'll,
I'll make you feel like,
I never wanted to make you feel.
But this time, it will be different,
This time yeah, it will be different,
This time, it will be different,
This time yeah, it will be different.
Peace x